Saturday 10 May 2014

Part 2 - IMPROVE YOUR GAME! - Poker training Video

Part 2 - This is a free tutorial video for poker players who want to improve their game.

Part 3 - IMPROVE YOUR GAME! - Poker training Video

Part 3 - This is a free tutorial video for poker players who want to improve their game.

Part 4 - IMPROVE YOUR GAME! - Poker training Video

Part 4 - This is a free tutorial video for poker players who want to improve their game.

Less Than 4 Min. - Learn Texas Hold'em

Before you begin playing Hold'em, you'll want to learn the rules. In Hold'em, each player is dealt two private cards (known as ‘hole cards’) that belong to them alone. Five community cards are dealt face-up, to form the ‘board’. All players in the game use these shared community cards in conjunction with their own hole cards to each make their best possible five-card poker hand. In Hold'em, a player may use any combination of the seven cards available to make the best possible five-card poker hand, using zero, one or two of their private hole cards. To view the rankings of poker hands, visit the poker hand ranks page.

Poker Tutorial

If you want to win at poker, you need to know how to play poker. There are many ways to learn the game of poker, including taking private lessons from a professional poker player. 

Tutorial | Three Card Poker

The casino variant of Three Card Poker was first "invented" by Derek Webb in 1994. He had a vision for a game that combined the excitement of poker and the speed of regular casino games. It was important to Webb that he got the mix of three important factors for any casino game correct; the game rules were easy to understand, the payouts were large enough to attract players and the house edge was enough that casino owners would be interested in adopting the game.

Tutorial | Poker Chip Shuffle

Intimidate your opponents with your amazing skill at shuffling poker chips. Being a good shuffler of poker chips presents the impression of being an excellent, adept player.